Nálepka “abandoned”

The lost churches of Russia

The Dinosaur Graveyard of East Berlin

A World Without People

Tank Graveyards on Earth

Abandoned Morgues

The Ruins of Villa Epecuen

Satellite view of Villa Epicuen

What is left of Athens’ £9billion Olympic ‘glory’

Abandoned, derelict, covered in graffiti and rubbish

Inside the Ghost Ships of the Mothball Fleet

For decades, dozens of forgotten Navy and merchant ships have been corroding in Suisun Bay, 30 miles northeast of San Francisco. These historic vessels—the Mothball Fleet—served their country in four wars: WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and Desert Storm. After a decade of impasse, the ghost fleet is slowly dwindling as the ships are towed out one-by-one for scrapping. About 15 retired ships are already gone; by 2017, the entire fleet will be just a memory.

Abandoned Pools

by Gigi Cifali


How To See New York’s Secret City Hall Subway Stop

City Hall Subway Station

While the station may be closed, and very few straphangers have actually seen it, the track on which City Hall Station is located is not abandoned. The #6 trains still pass through it on their way northbound, reversing direction using the loop for the journey back to the Bronx. In fact, to get to City Hall station, one must ride on an out-of-service #6 train.

Hidden Art Show in Abandoned Subway Station

“In early 2009, a project began four stories underneath the skin of New York. For nearly 100 years, a massive subway station sat unfinished, unused, and undiscovered. Over the course the last year, artists have been secretly escorted into this station to leave their creative mark. Unobstructed by the pressures of commercial sales, phone calls, or daily routines, each artist painted for one full night. The Underbelly Project is the result of the past year. At the close of the project, the entrance was removed and darkness reclaimed the space once again.”

The Underbelly Project

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Abandoned Bowling Alleys

Ghosts in the Hollow

a short film about abandoned coal mining towns in Appalachia

The Haikyo Gallery

The Haikyo Gallery features the haikyo (ruins) explorations of  Michael John Grist in Japan.

Top 10

the Ruins Gallery